jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Walked the dogs twice today June 17 2011

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Walked the dogs twice today June 17 2011

Walked the dogs with Jani 1.2 miles this morning and 0.9 miles this evening. I called the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehabilitation Institute at the University of Northern Colorado for an exercise evaluation today. They will get back to me on Monday. My oncologist, Dr. Moore, gave me a referral. So, you can see, I'll be just too busy to be sick.
jm June 17 2011

I think the really bad day at Black Rock that I had Wednesday, June 15 2011 with headache, neck ache, fever and chills was due to the intravenous Zometa I received, Monday, June 13 2011. Fortunately, I only have to have that bone building medicine once a month.

Jani and I went shopping at JAXS in Loveland today. I got more hiking clothing to wear to my chemo appointments - afterall, it is an adventure! Very nice store clerk, Chris, helped me with my purchases. We even ran in to Diane Peters shopping for her horses.

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