jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Better Day today July 17 2011

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Better Day today July 17 2011

I slept all night and woke this morning still feeling some after effects of  Zyrtec like an internal shakiness. I worked all morning on paying my bills and organizing paperwork while I watched the British Open Golf Tournament - I LOVE to watch golf!

Jani worked on the rock landscaping that I had started before my multiple myeloma diagnosis - what a work horse!

Just before dark we drove up the Mine Hill and took the dogs on a short 0.86 mile walk.
I took my new pulse oximetry/pulse monitor with me and checked my pulse a couple of times. My pulse was pretty steady at 102 while Jani's was just 82 at the same pace. On the way back up the 42 feet we dropped in, my pulse raced to 120. I don't know what's up with the ole ticker - but, I used to have a resting pulse of about 56 before my diagnosis.
 jm with Lost River Range and Jani with the Challis National Forest on the Mine Hill July 17 2011 

1 comment:

  1. You ladies are HI- LAR-RIOUS! Keep up all the hard work and try not to work Jani too hard with the rock project :-D Missing you already!
