jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: MRI of back July 27 2011

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

MRI of back July 27 2011

I went to the Harmony Imaging Center today in Fort Collins and had an MRI of my lower back.
Shari of the Imaging Center used a little lidocaine on my IV site in my left arm and the IV catheter for the contrast went right right in without any pain 1st time. That's important when you've been poked a lot. She covered it with Opsite and I don't think I reacted to the adhesive in it since I have a severe tape allergy. 
I wore headphones which muffled the loud banging marble noise, but no music to listen to. The test lasted at total of 22 or maybe 28 minutes (2 six minute intervals and 1 ten minute interval). They gave me the gadolinium contrast at the very end and I had another 6 minute interval. I had been cold and the IV gallium warmed me right up. The technician warned me that it might be cold on injection and it was. She also said I might feel a metallic taste in my mouth, but I did not. In fairness, my taster has not been right for some time - so, who knows. I have normal kidney function, so the contrast should not be of concern in my case.

Jani drove me to the test and as we were driving home, I had an email from my oncologist, Dr. James Moore indicating he had already received the results of the MRI study.

"MRI was fine, no compression fractures or obvious injury to bones.
Probably a muscular strain/spasm of some sort.
MRI did show bone marrow stimulation, which is what we see commonly with chemo"

I emailed Dr. Moore back that bone marrow stimulation sure caused a lot of pain in me - I just hope the worst is over after the steroids wear off. I get Decadron again tomorrow with my 2nd Chemotherapy of the week.

So, that was really good news as I didn't want anything to interfere with my stem cell collection which is on the horizon. I signed a paper at the Harmony Imaging Center to have the MRI study CD and Report sent to Han Myint, MD at the University of Colorado Hospital where the stem cell harvest and transplant will occur.

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