jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Dr. Ben Brewer, Transplant Team Psychologist Visits August 26 2011

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Dr. Ben Brewer, Transplant Team Psychologist Visits August 26 2011

While Faye Hummel ran down to the pharmacy to get my discharge medications, Dr. Ben Brewer, Transplant Team Psychologist came to visit me August 26 2011. I like Ben and feel thoroughly comfortable in sharing my feelings with him and I DID~
Dr. Ben Brewer and jm at University of Colorado Hospital Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
August 26 2011.

Ben also reminded me of a very easy deep, slow, diaphrapmatic breathing technique for relaxation and I was surprised at how much it helped. I visualized the bald eagles flying above the Big Lost River fishing that I often see on my walks at home in Mackay, Idaho. 
Oh, how I miss my home in Mackay, Idaho! This photo is one I took on my walk May 28 2011.

I have a Mackay Idaho 83251 blog if anyone is interested where I cover current events, historical Blast from the Past, and obituaries. The blog is located at

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