jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Hives from Revlimid are back after 9th Dose of 14 August 3 2011

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hives from Revlimid are back after 9th Dose of 14 August 3 2011

I'm been lucky during my second cycle of Revlimid 25 mg which I started on July 26 2011 and have not had any hives until today (Day 9 of 10). I broke out in hives on my belly and I was able to control the itching with hydrocortisone ointment. I only have to take one more dose tomorrow before I stop the Revlimid in preparation for my stem cell harvest on August 16th.

1 comment:

  1. I had similar thing. Now its my problem. How to get rid?
