jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Lost another day August 8 2011

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Lost another day August 8 2011

When I was 28 years old, I had a bilateral hernia operation. They gave me Ativan after the procedure which they said made me "agitated" and they suggested that I never take Ativan again.

Ativan is one of the main drugs used to help control nausea during stem cell transplant. So, Dr. Moore had me do an Ativan 0.5 mg test. I took the tiny Ativan pill yesterday early morning to see what it would do to me. No AGITATION, just a hazy sleep! That one pill was with me ALL DAY yesterday. I was worthless - drifting from one nap to the next! So, if I need Ativan, I'll just be worthless.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't get the Ativan thing for nausea. I don't think it helps that. It just makes you fall asleep. Zofran, and many other drugs fight nausea better. My husband never found Ativan to help during his transplant. Sure, while he slept, he got relief, so I see that benefit, but he was woken up so many times and always still felt nauseated. Research/ask about other drugs they can use.
