jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Second Bone Marrow Biopsy in the record books August 10 2011

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Second Bone Marrow Biopsy in the record books August 10 2011

Jani took me to the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) this morning. We went to the Cancer Waiting Room and had Dana Godec, RN, Transplant Coordinator paged. Dana came right over and met with us. We took a tour of the 11th Floor transplant unit. You have to make sure one set of doors inside these doors is closed before going through these doors.
Then, we went to the BIC Lab area and I had labs drawn from my Bard Power Port by Montana native, Cara, RN. I also needed to get a urinalysis.
After the blood draw, we went to get the bone marrow biopsy. Mine was done by Glen Peterson, Nurse Practitioner today with the assistance of Hank Hancock, Medical Assistant.
They had me take morphine and Ativan by mouth prior to the procedure. They wanted me to take 1 mg of Ativan, but I only took 1/2 (0.5 mg).
I was positioned on my stomach for the entire bone marrow procedure this time. Numbed first with lidocaine. Hank did distracting upper back rub as the bone marrow aspiration was done. Unfortunately, the first attempt did not yield the spicules they needed and a second bore had to be done to get adequate spicules (small pieces of bone). I had almost no pain during the procedure and I was calm with the Ativan/Morphine on board. Here is the bone core they got today.
Here I am after the procedure looking drugged~because I was drugged~
After the bone marrow biopsy, Hank, did an EKG on me. Jani joined me in the room along with Dana Godec, RN Transplant Coordinator. We went down to the Pharmacy and picked up 3 boxes of heparin flush solution for the Trifusion Catheter that I will have put in on Friday morning. After that, we went to X-Ray where I was surprised to see Diane Peters sitting there with a friend. That's the second time I've just bumped in to her - it was wonderful to see her. Dana Godec had spent almost all day with us and was very attentive to all of our questions - she's the BEST~ I had quick chest x-ray and off Jani and I went to the cafeteria for a very late lunch. I had a hamburger and Jani had grilled cheese. Finally, we waited outside for the Valet Parking to retrieve Bart for us.
I climbed in back and had a nice nadir on the way home to Greeley, Colorado (about 1 hour 15 minute trip).

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