jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 3 - Stem Cell Transplant PM Update September 16 2011

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 3 - Stem Cell Transplant PM Update September 16 2011

Much better control of my nausea with Ativan 1/2 dose and scheduled Zofran. Plus, I have maintenance fluids running intravenously at 125 cc hour which I think really helps me.

Jani came and stayed all afternoon in to the evening with me. She put her organizational gene to good use and rearranged my entire room. I don't know what they were thinking when they built this hospital for patients who would have LONG stays - because there aren't any good places to store anything. Jani brought all of my stuff in big see through plastic bins that she stacks. Jani brought me cold cereal and Silk Milk (I have a lactose intolerance) and that seems to work in my not-so-right stomach for now.  I love my sister~
I walked with Jani in the hallway before she left. We are missing my Transplant Coordinator, Dana Godec, RN who has been out sick since the 9th of September. Wishing her the best.

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