jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 58 - Walking - November 10 2011

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 58 - Walking - November 10 2011

I went shopping today by myself for a few groceries and some t-shirts. I also went to the bank drive-through. I wore my mask. I'm so afraid of the blood clot in my heart that I walked slowly. I've been complaining of pain in my legs - especially my left leg behind my knee and thigh. At my appointment yesterday, they thought I might even have blood clots in my left leg. However, since Fragmin 12,500 IU is the treatment and I'm already on daily Fragmin injections, they didn't think any diagnostics were needed. Even if I don't have blood clots in my legs, my legs bother me especially at night - enough that I take 1/2 Percocet - sometimes twice during the night.

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