jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Walked 1 Mile - December 30 2011

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Walked 1 Mile - December 30 2011

Jani and I drove Jonah up the Mine Hill to the Shay Trestle Road and parked. We walked slowly up the gentle 5 % grade for 1/2 mile and then 1/2 mile back. We started at 8,245 feet and walked up to 8,363 feet (a gain of just 118 feet). The white line is the route we drove and the red line is the short hike. No chest pain and I did fine despite the blood clot in my heart.
The Shay Railroad tracks ran along the red line and further from 1901 to 1920. The tracks were torn out in 1920, but the dirt track still remains today. Below is a photo of the Shay Railroad from 1908.

 Jani and Zoe on the Shay Railroad bed December 30 2011.
 Zoe RUNNING on the Shay Railroad bed December 30 2011.
Mackay, Idaho from the Shay Trestle Road. Smoke is from a pile of limbs and weeds that were being burned December 30 2011.

Frank Malkiewicz with his new, warm Sammy's jacket (a gift from the manager). He goes to Sammy's (gas station and convenience store) every morning when it opens, makes the coffee, and drinks coffee with the locals for 2 hours. Thank you Marla!

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