jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Adventure in the Emergency Room - January 17 2012

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Adventure in the Emergency Room - January 17 2012

Yesterday, I received intravenous Zometa 4 mg. I was gone from home 8 hours with the 200 mile round trip drive and a couple of shopping trips after my Zometa appointment. When I got home, I ate dinner and fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up at 8 PM with pain in my right chest that radiated through to my back and up the left side of neck and back of my head. The pain was alarming to me since I have not had anything like this EVER and I do have that mobile blood clot in the right atrium of my heart. I was not short of breath and I did not know what I should do. So, I took 1/2 Percocet and went to bed.

I didn't sleep well and the pain persisted. So, once daylight came, I drove over to Ron's place and asked him if he would drive me to the emergency room in Idaho Falls (100 miles). Fortuitously, Ron was just warming his truck up (minus 5 degrees) and was heading to Idaho Falls for some shopping. So, we went in Bart (2006 Honda Pilot) and headed across the desert arriving at the Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center Emergency Room at 11 AM. 

They took me right in. I had a chest x-ray and an EKG right away. 

Started an IV after 2 pokes. 
They hooked me to a cardiac monitor and all of my vital signs were normal. 

I was seen by Dr. Rosenberg. I had to wait 2 hours for a CT with contrast of my lungs. This test is quick and the contrast really gives you a HOT FLUSHING SENSATION all over your body. Then, I had to wait for the results of the CT. I hadn't eaten all day and I asked for a snack. I thought they would bring me a couple of saltines, but was surprised when they brought a nice little lunch box with a turkey sandwich and fruit cup.

Finally, 4 3/4 hours after I arrived, Dr. Rosenberg came in and told me that they could not find any evidence of a blood clot in my lungs. He didn't know WHY my right chest and neck were hurting and suggested that maybe I had pain from scar tissue from my removed Bard Power Port. I tried to think about how I might have hurt myself yesterday and couldn't remember doing anything out of the ordinary. Now, I'm thinking it is some sort of WEIRD reaction to the Zometa - but, it seems strange that it would only hurt on one side. Dr. Rosenberg consulted my oncologist, Dr. Shull and they decided to send me home. 

I was relieved! But, I still have the pain in my right chest and neck! But, a lot less anxiety!

Started 10 days of Augmentin for a sore throat and sinus drainage.

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