jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 1st Subcutaneous Velcade Injection - February 27 2012

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1st Subcutaneous Velcade Injection - February 27 2012

I had my first subcutaneous Velcade injection in the back of my left arm yesterday, February 27 2012. The medicine is a bit stingy on the way in, but resolves quickly. This is a picture of my arm 20 hours after the injection. It looks red, but it does not hurt. This started my 2nd Cycle of Maintenance Chemotherapy Velcade once a week for 4 weeks.
I also received 20 mg of Dex intravenously and Zometa yesterday February 27 2012. Zometa makes me ache all over and feel like I have the "flu" for 24-48 hours and this time was no different.

I start 14 days of Revlimid 10 mg tonight, February 28 2012.


  1. Me too, I was the Guinea Pig taking the first Subcutaneous Velcade Injection at the Cancer Center. It will mean much less time in "the Chair" for me and hopefully save my hands and feet down the road. I was diagnosed 1/25/12. Age 54, soon to be a new grandmother and ready to fight for my life. I'm anonymous because I haven't yet shared my diagnosis with everyone.

  2. I'm sorry that you have joined the myeloma ranks, but there is hope these days. Please feel free to email me at if you'd like. jm
