jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: It is official - I have RELAPSED - Day 184 Post 1st ASCT - March 15 2012

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

It is official - I have RELAPSED - Day 184 Post 1st ASCT - March 15 2012

It is official, I have RELAPSED – my bone marrow has 50% plasma cells (cancer) --- better than the 80 % that I had at diagnosis…but, not good.

I will be admitted to hospital tomorrow for 4 days of  VDT-PACE (6 chemotherapy agents and steroids). 

Thalidomide po
Velcade IV
Thalidomide PO
Decadron IV

Cisplatin IV
Adriamycin IV
Cytoxan IV
Etoposide IV

Right now, I feel fine --- so, it hard to believe…but, it is what it is.

But, my PET Scan completed on 14 March 2012 was CLEAN!


  1. Sorry you have relapsed. It is such a disappointment and frankly depressing. You've done really great with walking( I love your doggie!) you'll get through this and then back to walking and life.

  2. Oh I wanted to add, it is my favorite thing to say that helps me keep perspective, it is what it is ,what it is!

  3. Hang in there, JM. Just get through it. You're a strong lady. All us MMers are rooting for you - we're your cheerleaders. Two, Four, Six, Eight, Who do we most appreciate? JM, Jm, Jm!!!!
