jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Velcade Subcutaneously and Dex Intravenously - March 12 2012

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Velcade Subcutaneously and Dex Intravenously - March 12 2012

Went to UCH for my 3rd Week of Chemotherapy Maintenance of Velcade Subcutaneously and Dex 20 mg Intravenously...drove myself. I received the first 2 weeks in Idaho. I will need one more dose next Monday, March 19 2012 to complete the 4 week cycle.

Today is Day 14 of 14 for my Revlimid 10 mg and I will have the next 14 days off. I did not re-order my Revlimid from Curascript until after I see Dr. Myint on Thursday with my bone marrow biopsy results since he may change the dosage and/or medication.

Took my 24 hour urine jugs in to the BIC (collected 0600 March 11 2012 to - 0600 March 12 2012.

Went to the lab draw area in the Cancer Clinic. Had to be poked twice before they got my blood.  Then, on to the Infusion Clinic where I was scheduled to wait an hour while my blood results were prepared and my appointment in the Infusion Clinic was at 1:45 PM. I worked on a jigsaw puzzle. At 2:15 PM, I checked with the desk if I had been forgotten. Nope, just running late, but they did my vital signs and weight (158 with clothes) and put me in Chair 16 with RN Helen. Again, I waited until about 3:30 PM. My Dex order wasn't there and they had to call the Nurse Practitioner for the order. I watched television. RN Helen was EXCELLENT in getting my IV started in my left hand.
RN Helen hung my Dex and it ran over 15 minutes. Here is my "will I ever get out of here look". I need to work on my PATIENCE. 

Donna from Scheduling came to visit me twice. She has been working hard to get a PET SCAN scheduled for me so Dr. Myint will have the results this coming Thursday. My insurance initially rejected the pre-authorization and required that my doctor talk to their doctor first. This was accomplished quickly and my PET SCAN is scheduled for tomorrow, March 13 2012 at 4 PM. I was instructed to not eat anything after noon tomorrow. Donna is always so nice to me!!
You can see RN Helen in the background arriving with my Velcade which she gave to me in my left arm. We had a discussion on the appropriate site for the Velcade and Helen indicated that the pharmacist said they prefer the abdomen or thigh over the arm. However, my stomach is covered with bruises from my daily Fragmin 12,500 unit injections and my thighs are tight from all the mountain walking I do at home in Idaho, so I wanted the stingy injection in my arm.

I finally got out of there at 4:15 PM for a 1:45 PM appointment that should have taken 30 minutes. I'm sure they were running so far behind because they were attending to other patients that exceeded their allotted time because of their health needs - so, I should not be upset with my delay.

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