jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Labs and Another Platelet Transfusion - April 4 2012

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Labs and Another Platelet Transfusion - April 4 2012

Sandy Baird drove me to UCH this morning...nice to catch up with her. She has survived with multiple myeloma since 1999 and is doing well!!!!!!

My white blood cell count is 1.9 (norms 4-11.1), my hemoglobin is fabulous at 11.3 (norms 12.1-16.3), and platelets at 31 (norms 150-440. I'll need a platelet transfusion since I'm on fragmin for my right atrial blood clot.

My Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) is improving to 1.4 (norms 1.8-6.6).
 My 5th platelet transfusion since the Mar 16-20 2012 VDT-PACE chemotherapy.

They drew my Immunoglobin G, M, and A today too and and I'm not sure how to interpret them. However, I think it is good that my Immunoglobulin G has gone down to 608.

My LDH is at 120 (norms 98-192).
 My magnesium is normal at 1.9 (norms 1.3 to 2.1).
My phosphorus is normal at 3.6 (norms 2.7-4.5).
 My uric acid is normal at 3.7 (norms 2.6-8.7).
I feel amazingly well and walked with Kemmer 0.67 miles this afternoon stopping midway to chat with Danny and Cheryl Jelinek.

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