jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT Day Minus 2 - Melphalan IV May 16 2012

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2nd ASCT Day Minus 2 - Melphalan IV May 16 2012

Faye Hummel arrived early to help me keep pace with eating ice chips prior, during, and after my intravenous mephalan chemotherapy. Melphalan destroys all the cells in the bone marrow - the cancer cells and all or you good cells too. As a side effect, it is extremely hard on the gastrointestinal tract and can cause severe mucositis. Keeping the mouth and GI tract cooled with ice chips for about 15 minutes before the melphalan,  during the intravenous injection of melphalan, and for about 15 minutes after helps to decrease the severity of the mucositis. I did the ice chip treatment with Faye's help during my 1st autologous stem cell transplant and did not develop any mouth ulcers, however, my guts weren't so lucky.
I was ready this time with gloves to hold the cups of ice, my polartec hat, hoodie sweatshirt, and blankets. We came prepared this time. Faye even found me a heated bed blanket! Faye is an awesome coach!!!!

I was given a reduced dose of melphalan during this 2nd ACST compared to my 1st ASCt on 13 Sept 2011. Today, I received 220 mg.
RN Kate hanging the melphalan.

I got colder as the ice chips continued and looked more and more like nan-nuck-of -the-north.

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