jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2 ASCT Day Minus 5 - May 13 2012

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Monday, May 14, 2012

2 ASCT Day Minus 5 - May 13 2012

I tried a new breakfast entree here at UCH.  It was an egg white omelette with spinach, onion and tomato and bacon with raisin bran cereal and a "Scandie" protein shake......all tolerable.
Here are RN Yuki and RN Breanne changing shifts from May 12 to 13, 2012
RN Yuki takes a blood draw from my PICC line.  This happens twice a day at 4am and 4pm.
One of the new chemotherapy drugs I have been getting daily - Carmustine (BICNU) 474 mg every 12 hours.

Here's Jani indicating Room #4 since we arrived on Friday, May 11th, 2012.  Initially we were in an exam room (Room#1) for two hours while we waited for our room to be cleaned.  Room #2 was on the Oncology side (carpet in the hallways of the 11th floor), because there was no available room on the Transplant side.  Following one night there, we moved to Room 1132 (Room#3) on the Transplant side and also on the "cold" side, which is on the north side of the building.  In addition, this room was located right by the doors that separate one hallway from the nurses station so they were in constant use....and therefore quite noisy.  So on Sunday I was given the opportunity to move to the "hot" side to Room 1126 (Room#4), which is in a much quieter location.  Home at last for a minimum of 21 days, depending on how things go.
Jani and I in our new room.
We are having some fun now!!!!
Auf wieder bye bye Jani....see you tomorrow!

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