jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT Day 14 Jun 1 2012

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Friday, June 1, 2012

2nd ASCT Day 14 Jun 1 2012

Jani took me to the new BIC at UCH. It has 10 individual stations, all with windows and TV's and is quite nice and a big improvement for nurses and patients. My blood pressure was low with a systolic of less than 90 so I was rather weak.  That arm over the recliner is holding the new television sets.

My lab values are good and I am ENGRAFTING WELL. My white blood cells are 3.7 (norms 4-11.1); Hemoglobin 11.9 (norms 12.1-16.3) AND Platelets 138 (norms 150-400) - so I am on a daily high dose Fragmin 15000 again.

I needed 40 mEq of potassium (which they told me to take with food).

I spent the majority of the BIC Visit in the bathroom with things going south. I will need to take a specimen in on Monday. Then I took 2 mg of Imodium that RN Kristin gave me. I missed my BIC nurses!.

Faye Hummel stopped by and we walked outside 15:36 minutes. Very hard on me - my pulse racing at 125 beats per minute and as you can see from the map I was listing a bit!!!!

My blood pressure and pulse after my walk with Faye Hummel: My pulse was 123 and my blood pressure a tad low at 103/79.

I continue with a headache that I wish would go to outer space or someplace FURTHER. My guts are off and on BAD. Jani keeps track of the number of bottles of water  I drink with each cap. Each bottle contains 500 cc.

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