jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 40 - June 27 2012

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 40 - June 27 2012

I felt better today than any previous! Plus, the howling winds have stopped allowing me to get outside. Jani and I walked up the Taylor Canyon road today with our dogs. I made it 0.6 miles and Jani walked further. Here Kemmer (age 4) and I pose for our photo op.
 Jani with her dogs Kady (age 11) and Zoe (age 4 and a sister pup to Kemmer).

Jani leaving me behind. That's a historical aerial tramway support on the horizon that carried copper ore off the Mine Hill above Mackay, Idaho
We got my 4-wheeler named JackRed started today and Kemmer and I drove around for about 5 minutes, but at least we were out and about! Kemmer LOVES JackRed and jumps up by herself and then doesn't want to get off for fear that I might go WITHOUT her...Zoe, NOT SO MUCH.....that's Zoe off to the left below.
 That's Mt. McCaleb in the background.
Except for mild gastritis and a headache - today was a GOOD DAY! Jani topped it off by barbecuing steak!!!

Kemmer got into some cactus - easy to do as the hillsides are covered with it beneath the sage brush.

Jani got 2 cacti spines out of Kemmer's left front leg. Here is the biggest one that was almost totally  buried in her leg - OUCH! My Leatherman tool came to the rescue...

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