jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 104 - August 30 2012

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 104 - August 30 2012

This root canal business is not for the faint of heart. Slept maybe an hour last night due to the PAIN. Took Percocet, Advil, and used an ice bag on my jaw. Not only does the root canal tooth (#18) HURT, all 3 teeth in front of it hurt too!I feel like I've been punched in the jaw or what I think being PUNCHED IN THE JAW would feel like - since, I've never experienced that... I finally took 8 mg of dexamethasone in an attempt to reduce the swelling.
 Looking a tad drugged...and I have a swollen gland under my left jaw line. I continue on the Augmentin 875/125 twice daily.
Paco is doing great after his arterial stent placement on Tuesday. He is not yet driving, but I'm sure he will tomorrow. I got up at o'dark thirty and ahalf and went to Sammy's for his coffee and doughnut which I delivered to his house.

The UPS guy came today for my damaged package from Danny and Michelle Quinn. It was a fabulous walking stick that came in 2 pieces...The UPS Claim Guy asked me if I thought it could be repaired - he obviously never used a walking stick...Hopefully, it can be replaced by UPS.

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