jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 98 - August 24 2012

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Friday, August 24, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 98 - August 24 2012

I'm feeling really great and have good energy of late. However, my lower left jaw started hurting last night (8/23/2012) and sensitive to hot - not sure if I have a toothache or what. The pain seems to travel between my lower left teeth. The pain is sharp and I even took 1/2 Percocet for it. I bought some Advil 200 mg today and that helped some. I'm not going to panic about it - maybe it will just settle down on its own. This is a computer photo of my MY TEETH from Dr. Sidney Benner's in Greeley, Colorado.
The injection site for my last subcutaneous Velcade given on 20 Aug 2012 on the back of my right arm is really bruised - none of my other 3 injections did this.
I finished up my apricot jelly today with another 7 pints.

The air quality was much improved at mid-day today (Friday, August 23 2012) in Mackay Idaho from the forest fires north of us. Kemmer and I took a spin on JackRed to get these photos.

This is my Gram's former house on Main Street and Spruce. Currently owned by Shawn and Monica Nelson and rented.
My neighbors finished their second cut of hay and turned their horses out in the pasture today. I love to watch them.
Tonight, August 24 2012, I rode JackRed over to the first high school football game of the season - Mackay vs Challis football game at 7 PM. So much for the clearer air... The smoke in the air was choking thick and I did not stay for the whole first half. Mackay lost in overtime to Challis 34 to 40.
Guest Photo by Morgan Betzer (above).
My neighbor, Pam Denning Lords.
Guest photo from Shauna Nelson (below)


  1. Hey, Judy. First of all....LOVE YOUR BLOGS! It's nice to see what's going on at home now that I live away. And Mackay will ALWAYS be home. It's also uplifting to see how you're courageously battling your disease.

    I'm commenting because I hope it will be of use to you. I'm a dental hygienist and your predicament caught my attention. I use the same computer program your picture is from in my office. The tooth that is bothering you is actually on the other side of your picture. The picture is meant to look like you're looking AT the patient, so the picture's right side is actually the left side of your mouth.
    Tooth #19 (right on the picture, but really on the left side of your mouth) has a Red crown on it. Since it is red, that means that it was probably treatment planned for a crown which hasn't been done yet. I'll bet that the tooth that is giving you problems is the second from the back on your lower left, since they already thought that it needed a crown at your last checkup.
    Good luck!!

  2. Thanks Amber...that makes more sense now that you point out the right vs the left. I think it's the back tooth today- but who knows. My dentist in Colorado has been telling me for 2 years before my diagnosis to do something about that crown on #19. It has had an old crown that needs replacing. Hope Dr. McGowan can see me tomorrow - I've been there once before a couple of years ago. Thanks again. Sure appreciate your expertise. Email me at so I can let you know what happens. jm
