jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 107 - September 2 2012

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 107 - September 2 2012

Walked Kemmer 2 miles on the Mine Hill this morning from the Cattle Guard to one of the old aerial tramway supports up beyond the Cliff Creek turn. That was a gain of 477 feet, but the good  part is that you get to walk DOWNHILL back to Jonah.
This is tree line on the Mine Hill at 6,702 feet. Kemmer wasn't too cooperative with photo taking today because there was a little ground squirrel keeping her busy.
Double click to enlarge photos to full-size.

Looking back toward Mackay and the Big Lost River Valley, you could see the forest fire smoke drifting in again today. The Halstead Fire north of Stanley has grown to 128,830 acres and is still only 7 percent contained. I probably should have worn my N-95 mask, but I did not this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, JM, I always look at your beautiful pictures first and then go back and read. I thought I was looking at a chipmunk! Are a chipmunk and ground squirrel the same animal?
    So glad that you're feeling better.
