jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 138 - October 3 2012

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 138 - October 3 2012

My usual rotten, never more than 2 hours at time, sleep is back. Waking to left foot and leg neuropathy burning and/or to pee. I took a plain Tylenol and that helped some. I finally just got up at 4 AM rather than flip-flop around in bed AWAKE.

My tongue was all coated early this morning, so I took a fluconazole and it seems much better this morning. My taster is going, but still working some - Zolinza side effect.

Went early to put my father's compression stockings on - a tad easer today - but, still a struggle. I take him tomorrow to the Interventional Radiologist in Blackfoot, Idaho to be get his (HOPEFULLY) last evaluation on the arterial stents that have been placed via ultrasound, followed by a meeting with Dr. David Shelley. We are going to ask Dr. Shelley if the compression stockings are okay to use in light of the arterial issues. If he says  yes, I'm going to buy a couple of aids to getting compression stockings on and off. With the neuropathy in my finger tips - it will be necessary. I don't have much pain in my finger tips, but I do have numbness making some fine motor activities very difficult - like opening a zip-lock baggie.

I walked Kemmer on the Mine Hill 1.38 miles. We had a cold spell hit today and it was about 51 degrees compared to almost 80 yesterday - with gale force winds from the north - bringing in more forest fire smoke. So, I wore my jacket and N-95 mask.
My old friend, back pain across my scapula returned today while I walked - but, I just kept going.

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