jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 1 Carfilzomib and Dex - November 13 2012

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 1 Carfilzomib and Dex - November 13 2012

Arrived safely for my 1 PM St. Luke's Hospital MSTI, Twin Fall, Idaho appointment. Light snow was falling across the Craters of the Moon National Park, but the roads were only slightly damp and not slick. I left 45 minutes early just in case I encountered bad roads. Kemmer is staying with Ron and his dog, Iris. Arrived early enough to get a chicken burrito supreme at my favorite place, TACO BELL!

My white blood cell count is low, but good at 3.3 (norms 4.5-11); my hemoglobin is a tad low at 11.1 ( norms 12-15); and my platelets have recovered a bit to 77 (norms 140-440) - they were only 40 last Friday, 9 Nov 2012. 
My creatinine was still high at 1.16 (norms 0.52-1.04), but I read that carfilzomib can also increase the creatinine level. My BUN is normal at 13 (norms 7-17) and my GFR (kidney clearance test) is 50 (norms: less than 60 for more than 3 months equals Chronic Kidney Disease). I haven't really been following the GFR results, so when I look back, the GFR has been abnormal for greater than 3 months indicating I have some type of kidney failure going on - UGH.

RN Vickie expertly inserted my IV in my left arm and I'm pretty sure it will work again tomorrow too after she heparin locks it at the end of today.

After RN Vicki heparin locked my IV, she wrapped it up for the night, so we could use it again tomorrow morning.
I'm careful to wear a mask when I depart in to public places. I went to Walmart before the appointment and wore a mask the whole time - a little boy there stared at me and I was thinking he was thinking that Halloween was over and what the deal? My ANC (absolute neutrophil count is good at 2.50 (norms 1.9-8.8), however, I still do not have any immunoglobulins due to my 2 autologous stem cell transplants resulting in no immunity against most anything that might come my way - BETTER to wear the mask!
Arrived at the Quality Inn in Twin Falls near 5 PM and rested before I went out to get something to eat. My appointment at St. Luke's Hospital MSTI is tomorrow morning at 9 AM, so I won't have to drive home in the dark tomorrow afternoon.

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