jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Pomalidomide (Pomalyst) Update For Relapse After Cycle 1-21 and 1 Week Off- Prior to Beginning of Cycle 2 April 2 2013

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pomalidomide (Pomalyst) Update For Relapse After Cycle 1-21 and 1 Week Off- Prior to Beginning of Cycle 2 April 2 2013

Drove to Lost Rivers Medical Center Lab this morning for a CBC, Chem Panel, and LDH. Technician Diana drew my blood - 1st poke every time - she's good.

My white blood cell count has recovered some from last week at 2.2, but is still low (norms 4.5-11); ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is up too, but still low at 1.23 (norms 1.9-8.8); hemoglobin is only slight up to 8.6 and is still quite low (norms 12-16); and my platelets recovered hardly at all to 43 (norms 140-440). The low platelet count may hold the beginning of my Pomalidomide Cycle 2.  Lost Rivers Medical Center Lab faxed St. Luke's Hospital the results and I'm waiting to hear from them on how to proceed with Cycle 2 Pomalidomide. At 4:40 PM, finally made contact with the triage nurse who said my doctor was out of town until Friday. She said I should go ahead with the 4 mg pomalidomide dosage tonight.

My LDH value seems to have skyrocketed upward to 1117 (norms 313-618).

My creatinine and BUN are normal indicating good kidney function. My glucose is up from steroids and probably eating too much sugar  at 185, so I better watch my sugar intake.

Drove home to Mackay. 
Waited for FedEx to deliver Pomalidamide Cycle 2 (84 - 1 mg capsules) which arrived before noon.

Walked Kemmer around a couple blocks here in town.  A mule deer across the street from us. There were 20 in the backyard of this house.
On 30 March 2013, we had whole parade of mule deer out front.

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