Jani drove me to Lost Rivers Medical Center Lab in Arco, Idaho to have my CBC (complete blood count) done this morning. My white blood cell count fell from 2.7 to 2.0 (norms 4.5-11); ANC (absolute neutrophil count) and fell from 1.82 to 1.11 (norms 1.9-8.8). So, I probably should avoid hugging others for a while.
My hemoglobin is about the same as it was last week (8.2) before I had at transfusion of one unit of packed red blood cells at 8.5 today (norms 12-16). My platelets actually increased a TINY BIT from 28 to 33 (norms 140-440). Will continue to hold my aspirin 81 mg dose due to low platelets.
I'm not experiencing any shortness of breath with walking slowly right now, so decided that I did not need another transfusion of packed red blood cells today.
Still need to be super careful with such a low platelet count.that I don't do anything that might cause me to bleed.

Will call triage nurse at St. Luke's Hospital in Twin Falls, Idaho if I develop any symptoms of severe low hemoglobin (oxygen carrying cells) or bleed from low platelets over the next week. My next appointment is not until Wednesday, 26 June 2013 for labs, and a bone marrow biopsy under conscious sedation.
During my 1st Cycle of Bendamustine/Revlimid/Dex, my blood values stopped falling about 2 1/2 weeks after it was given and I'm on Day 15 of Cycle 2 today. Hence, I don't expect my blood values to drop much more for this 2nd Cycle.
My on-again to STOPPED gastrointestinal tract is on-again today. I never know, but glad to not be on the road to Twin Falls with it on-again right now.
A friend with myeloma as relapsed and that's not good news.
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