jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Relapsed High Risk Myeloma - Update August 25 2013

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Relapsed High Risk Myeloma - Update August 25 2013

We had a huge rainstorm yesterday,  but we we really needed the moisture. Kemmer was frightened and so was I. So, we put Kemmer in her Thunder Shirt.  The Thunder Shirt really helps but not 100 percent.

Woke with left sided sinus headache and a headache over the bridge of my nose. 

Jani is weed eating the lawn and I'm still on the sofa. My leg pain is killing me and I'm just taking the same amount of pain med at the same time each day.

My gait is OFF and I'm having a hard time with my gait and balance.

Our friends Patti and Ali departed around noon for their return journey to Greality.  Sure was nice of them to come and we had some fun too!!!

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