Thursday, March 29, 2012

Neulasta Lift-Off Finally - March 29 2012

My friend, Chuck Henderson, drove me to UCH today to give Jani a break to work on her patience quota. Thanks Chuck!


My lab values on the "white side" (infection fighting cells) have started to nudge upward from my bottom of 0.2 to 1.0 today!!!! This is wonderful news. 

On the "red side" (cells that carry oxygen and give you energy), my values are still fading. My hemoglobin is down to 9.1 (norms 12.1-16.3) and my platelets were down to 31 (norms 150-400), so since the value was so close to their 30 or lower standard, I received a 3rd Platelet Transfusion this morning. Thankful for all the blood produce donors I've needed!

In fact, there were enough white blood cells today to allow for a Peripheral Smear to be completed. My Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) is up to 0.8 (norms 1.8 to 4.8) which is still too low to be out and about in public without a mask, but much better than the almost 0 it was  just 2 days ago.

 RN Kristin also changed my PICC Line Dressing today.

While I was sitting there, my hair starting coming out in clumps.

So, when I got home, Jani bought some electric clippers and we buzzed my head. We weren't nearly the rookies we were last August 2011 when I went to a Salon to have my hair buzzed followed by Jani's tidying up at home with a razor. 

And the finished product and my quest for the fountain of youth....

My other normal labs from today.

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