Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18 2012

Kemmer and me April 18 2012 in Greeley, Colorado. Not up to walking today, but I did stroll around the backyard.
The lilacs are blooming here in Greeley, Colorado and they smell so nice!
I had a rough night - pain across my chest beneath my breasts that was like a constricting band, but it did not go around to my back. I thought I might be having a heart attack, but Jani checked my blood pressure, pulse ox, and pulse and I they were normal. We decided the pain was related to my esophagus and/or stomach and it would be better if I tried to sleep sitting up. I took Kytril and a 1/2 Percocet and things calmed down. Jani is so good with me when I whirl in to anxiety about something!

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