Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lab Results April 24 2012

Drove myself to UCH this morning for my lab tests. My blood values are beginning to drift downward as expected after my 2nd Cycle of VD-PACE (13-17 April 2012). The expectation is that I will need platelet transfusion and a blood transfusion after the 2nd Cycle.

My white blood cell count is 3 (norms 4-11.1), my platelets 43 (norms 150-400) and I don't need a platelet transfusion until they go below 30, just reduce Fragmin injection to 7,500 units which I did 2 days ago; and my hemoglobin is 10 (norms 12.1-16.3).

My ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is 1.3 (norms 1.8-7.8). And I have bunch of abnormal findings in my blood - probably all be to be expected after so much chemotherapy - macrocytes, polychromasia, schistocytes, and tear drop cells.

I see Dr. Myint on Thursday afternoon. My only question is how low does the percentage of plasma cells (multiple myeloma) have to be in my bone marrow biopsy to be done 3 May 2012 to qualify me for the 2nd autologous stem cell transplant. When I was first diagnosed on 24 May 2011, the percentage of plasma cells was 80 % and when I relapsed in February 2012 the percentage of plasma cells was greater than 50 %. I've been through 2 cycles of VD-PACE chemotherapy since my relapse in an attempt to bring the percentage DOWN...we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Your plasma cells in bone marrow after the chemotherapy induction must be <3%-10 for the BM transplant to be useful.
    Sebastian Hernadez M.D.
