Friday, April 13, 2012

Lab Results UCH Inpatient - April 13 2012

My white blood cell count is up to 2.9 (norms 4-11.1); my platelets are 134 (norms 150-400); and my hemoglobin is down a tad to 10.8 (12.1-16.3). I discovered that I was only taking 12,500 units of Fragmin at home the last 2 days when I should have been taking 15,000 units - but, I didn't have any of those.

My ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is better at 2.0 (norms 1.8-6.6).
The drew my immunoglobulins A, M, and G again. My Immunoglobulin G is down a tad to 600 (norms 791-1643), but again, I'm not really sure how to interpret these values.

My uric acid is up to 6.1 (norms 2.6-8.7), but still a rise for me.
My LDH is up to 176 (norms 98-192), and I'm pretty sure this is not a good sign.
My phosphorus is higher than the norms at 5.6 (norms 2.7-4.5).
My magnesium is low at 1.6 (norms 1.3-2.1) and here in the hospital they give you magnesium replacement units when it is this low and I received to replacement units April 13 2012.
My comprehensive metabolic panel is all normal except form my creatinine (a measure of kidney function) which is 1.63 (norms 0.40- 1.20). This is the first time I've ever had an abnormal creatinine vale and is somewhat worrisome to me.
My urinalysis was normal.
They ran another Congestive Heart Failure BNP blood test and it remains normal at 23 (norms 0-100).
My serum protein is normal at 6.4 (norms 6.4-8.3).

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