Tuesday, April 16, 2013

High-Risk Relapsed Nutrition Follow-Up at University of Colorado - April 16 2013

Didn't sleep well and fortunately didn't have to leave for the University of Colorado Hospital until 10 AM - back on the snowy roads. 

The roads had cleared and melted a lot and we made just over 1 hour trip without any snow issues.

I seem to have a tad more energy - perhaps from the almost 1,000 foot decrease in elevation between Mackay and Greeley.

Jani and I arrived at the University of Colorado Hospital and had lunch in the cafeteria before my noon appointment for a blood draw at the BIC.  And the ADVENTURE with multiple myeloma continues.

They drew all my labs including the SPEP myeloma markers and Vit D. The SPEP takes several days to get the results, even though I am a non-secretory patient, I'll be waiting for those.

While my labs were "cookin in the lab" I met with the UCH Nutritionist J.J. for almost an hour as part of the year follow-up after my 2nd Autologous Stem Cell Transplant. They have a new Tanita scale/machine that instantly measures your BMI and many other things. I've gained 30 pounds since my diagnosis 24 May 2011, probably because I have NEVER been off steroids in all that time.

 My Vitamin D level is still below normal at 23 (norms 30-100), but I am taking supplements. On 30 Jan 2013, my Vit D level was 21, so it on its way to normal since I doubled my supplement to 2,000 units per day.


  1. Judy,
    Best wishes and good luck to you. I hope you
    get a good report.

    I just got my first ever Zometa treatment yesterday and will see the doc on Friday about
    getting back on some type of chemo.


  2. Love seeing your smile! My vitamin D level has been 6 and hasn't moved much with supplements for over a year. I wish it could be at 23! Glad yours is going up!

  3. Fee, do you get to spend much time out in the sunshine? jm

  4. I do, I ride horses and work with children we go outside fairly often. I am AA which doesn't help- but my vitamin D and calcium levels are terrible and they just can't figure out why. Was just diagnosed with RA which may or may not have something to do with it, but I hope it improves with the new treatments.
