Friday, May 24, 2013

Contest Winner Revealed From May 17 2013 Photo Entries of Visitor Faye Helping Around The House


Remember, some of the Faye photos helping around my house were staged and some were real. Which tasks were STAGED?

There were 5 Staged Activities depicted:
  1. Mowing the Lawn
  2. Weed eating the Lawn
  3. Washing the kitchen floor on her hands and knees (although she did use the mop)
  4. Washing Jonah-the-car
  5. Lilac bush planter
Only 1 person identified all 5 staged activities that entered the contest, but she also identified a few "actual activities too".

Yes, Faye did these actual activities:
  1. Pooper scooper (with a smile)
  2. Bed Changer
  3. Cleaned all the toilets
  4. Transported the the cleaning supplies
  5. Laundress
  6. Vacuumed whole house
  7. Washed many many dishes
  8. Scanner  extraordinaire, scanning over 158 ancestry documents
  9. We did let her eat one little yogurt for lunch, and
  10. Yes, she did inherit my PhD graduation hat, as she has a PhD TOO!

 But, the contest manager (me) decided the winner listed below did the best....

And the winner of this authentic MACKAY, IDAHO one size 
fits all cap is Amber Sayer Walker

Amber, let me know where you want me to mail your hat to. 


  1. I did not win the hat booohooo. I have never seen Colorado like the pictures you have taken looks like wonderful place to live real country,I truly enjoy your site Hope you are feeling good. Joe

  2. Joe, I live in Idaho - not Colorado...although, I did have my autologous stem cell transplants in Colorado at the University of Colorado. Idaho is west and north of Colorado and a lot less populated.

  3. HI judy im sorry i meant to write Idaho,and in big bold letters the hat says idaho lol forgive me i think i am getting chemo brain dont know why I wrote colorado, but again I love your reporting and pictures on your site i look foward to visiting it. THANK YOU Joe
