Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Update Lab Draw and Doctor's Visit - May 21 2013

Jani and left for St. Luke's Hospital in Twin Falls at 6:45 AM - OR somewhere close to that time. As we loaded Bart (2006 Honda Pilot), discovered that the battery was DEAD DEAD DEAD. I had the oil changed and the tires rotated last week and I guess I left the key on. Jani dashed over Paco's to get the battery charger and it worked like a charm....so, we weren't too late leaving Mackay.

Arrived St. Luke's exactly on time at 9:20 AM for my appointment for the lab draw. My white blood cell count was low, but good for me at 3.7; my hemoglobin was low, but also good for me at 10.9 and DRUM ROLL - my platelets were 35 -- up from 18...meaning that my bone marrow made 17 platelets on its own! Perhaps, the nadir period for the Bendamustine has been reached. I left without getting paper copies of my my lab tests - so, the entire CBC, Chem Panel, and LDH will be faxed to me - hopefully, by tomorrow.

Dr. Padavanija, per usual, spent ample time with us and explained my lab values. With a platelet count of only 35, I need to continue to be careful not to fall or bump myself. She doesn't want me not to do things I enjoy - but, my platelets are pretty limiting right now. She and I went over my POST documents (my wishes if I cannot speak for myself) and signed them. I'll post the POST document on my refrigerator door should any EMT personnel be called to my house. 
Although, my death is not imminent right now unless I bleed out or have a stroke, my wishes are NOT TO BE TRANSPORTED out of my house and to die right here in Mackay, Idaho in my bed when the time comes. Jani signed the document too. I just want to be prepared.
I didn't need any transfusions today and we were off shopping and to Taco Bell for a late lunch.

We drove home through the Big Lost River Valley in the rain...nice to have some moisture.
 Nice to have Jani to drive while I take up the back.
 We packed Bart full with our Walmart visit.
Bought Paco petunias for his front porch pots - he likes them each summer. Well post a photo after Jani gets them transplanted.
I will get my labs checked again next at Lost Rivers Medical Center in Arco next Tuesday.

Was home in time to go vote for the Mackay School District Zone 3 Board of Directors Election at the Mackay Fire Hall, a quick trip to the Ivies (grocery), and home to the sofa for a nadir (my word for nap).

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