Sunday, June 9, 2013

8th Anniversary Of My Mother's Death on June 9 2005 Today - June 9 2013

My M's Funeral Card from 2005.

My M was a majorette for the Mackay High School Marching Band in 1941-42. Here she is leading the band down Mackay Main Street.
We still have M's majorette costume and it fits our skinny Jani (below).
 Me and M at a Senior Citizen's Picnic at Kid's Park in Mackay on 2 Jul 2001.
M and Jeff 4 June 2000.
M and Dad on 1 Nov 1965 when Dad was promoted to Full Colonel in the United States Air Force.

We love and miss you M!


  1. very interesting love the pictures, how many people live in Mackay? and what type of jobs do they have. JOE

  2. Joe, our 2010 Census was 517, down from the 2000 Census of 537. Most of the Mackay residents are ranchers, retired, or work for a trucker's information call center company, the Pre-School through 12th Grade school is the largest employer, and many people work at the INL (Idaho National Labs on Highway 20 between between Arco and Idaho Falls, Idaho) where nuclear experiments are conducted (these people have to drive about 50 miles each way to work from Mackay). Our population swells in the summer with people in RVs (most, who stay ALL Summer, not just a night or two). We have a beautiful 9-hole golf course which attacks many and a large reservoir and Big Lost River for fishermen (fisherwomen and fisherkids). Hope that answers some of your questions.
