Thursday, June 27, 2013

Relapsed High Risk Myeloma - Update June 27 2013

Had a better night without leg cramps, but up every 2 hours to pee (lasix).

Felt much better today. Think I finally metabolized the fentanyl and versed out of my system from yesterday's conscious sedation bone marrow biopsy - I'm so sensitive to drugs of all kinds and always have been, but it is so much better than no sedation!

Was able to go get the mail for my father and fill Bart (2006 Honda Pilot) with gas. Gas in Mackay is $3.79 at Sammy's Sinclair right now. 
Jani and I took some of my extra stuff (who doesn't have extra stuff) to the local consignment shop. Then, on to Ivies (grocery) for a few groceries.

Ron and his dog, Iris, came by for a visit and we always enjoy visiting with him.

Then, Vickie Mae Johnson Northrop stopped by a minute and we had a nice visit with her.

Ann and Chuck Henderson arrived from Colorado around 6 PM for a couple of days. We are having a heat wave today - nearly 90 degrees!
Jani made dinner  and I was off to bed by 9 PM (still daylight around here).

1 comment:

  1. sammys $3.79 new york mobil $4.30 and your dad looks great for his age. love your pictures looks like such a nice town with such nice people.Hope we get up one morning and read that they have found a cure for myeloma.Joe
