Monday, July 15, 2013

Relapsed High Risk Myeloma - Update July 15 2013

Didn't sleep at all. Finally, got up at 2 AM and sat on the sofa until daylight. My guts are an ACID-MESS. I took Kytril with little help. My legs are creepy and both of my hips hurt. I took Zantac and Prilosec...nothing seemed to help.

Since I was up all night, I was tired all day and didn't do anything except go for the mail for my father. Worked on my geneology files some. I'm very careful not to bump myself in any way, so I won't bruise or start to bleed.

I continue to to have neuropathy in both feet - most of the neuropathy is on my left side from my foot to my groin, but I also have a good case in my right heel. Plain acetaminophen helps the most. My legs are quite weak and if I squat down, I need help getting up.

Jani, Robbyn, and Faye worked on putting the transfer drawings on seven (7) tea towels with a vintage 1950 pattern of ducks that the Mackay Women's Ladies Aid will stitch. It was quite the project and it took the 3 novice "tracers" most of the morning. I did a lot of watching since my hands are shaky from Dex and my fingertips numb from neuropathy - sewing is not in my future.

Here is a sample.

We took a drive to the Mt. McCaleb Cemetery and on our way home saw a blue heron right in the middle of town. We  drove by Ron's again, but he is still gone.

Faye and Robbyn packed up, so they could catch their flight back to Denver DIA from Idaho Falls at 4 PM. They left Mackay around 2 PM. L to R: Jani Malkiewicz, Faye Hummel, Judy Malkiewicz, and Robbyn Wacker with Kemmer. Even though they were here just under 24 hours, it was good visit!

 Judy Malkiewicz and Robbyn Wacker as Robbyn returns to Colorado.
After they left, I had an almost 1 hour long nadir. Jani made dinner and another day in paradise. My guts continue with BURNING FIRE ACID.


  1. I haven't thought about those kinds of kitchen towels in years. My grandmother used to make them.

    Judy, your are so courageous!

    Good wishes, from Scottsdale!

  2. Wondering who arrives next? I need a nadir just reading about all of your visitors.

  3. Thanks Cindy in Scottsdale - the tea towels are for Faye's daughter. They will be stitched by the local Ladies Aid group. Thank for thinking about me. jm

  4. Jane, Robbyn is coming back this weekend. jm
