jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Walked 2.2 miles with Judy Richter this morning and 1.2 miles with Jani this evening June 19 2011

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Walked 2.2 miles with Judy Richter this morning and 1.2 miles with Jani this evening June 19 2011

My pace isn't anything to write home about, but I'm enjoying the walks with Judy Richter, Jani and the dogs. My Bard Power Port implanted in my right chest beneath my collar bone hurts me when I walk and I'm really hoping that goes away with healing. Jani keeps reminding me that I haven't even had it a week and it was surgery to put it in.
Kemmer, Jani, Zoe, and Kady June 19 2011

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