jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 1st Day with Trainer at Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute July 13 2011

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1st Day with Trainer at Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute July 13 2011

I had my first workout with trainer, Janice Cox, at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute today, July 13 2011.
Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute on the University of Northern Colorado Campus, Greeley, Colorado July 13 2011

Janice started out by taking my resting pulse (71), blood pressure (90/70), and pulse oximetry (98). Then, we went for a brisk walk outside taking the finger pulse monitor with us. Managed to get my pulse up to 125 at one point and we slowed down as I was a tad out of breath.

Back at the center, they have every exercise machine known to man, but I asked Janice if she could teach me to do weight bearing exercise with exercise bands since I have a set at home in Mackay, Idaho and I'll be home all of next week unable to train at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute. Janice was immediately able to fulfull my request.

Note that weanie left arm of mine. I fell off a ladder in 2002 and broke the ball of my humerous off and in to 7 pieces. I had major surgery with a metal plate and 9 screws to repair it followed by 18 months of physical therapy. I have almost full range of motion with my arm now, however, it is weak. Here is an x-ray taken about 2 months after the fracture. I still have all that hardware in there.
Janice gave me many different weight bearing exercises to do with the exercise bands and I did 2 sets of 10 today of each.
I did crunches from an exercise ball and back extensions from an exercise ball. While on the ball on my stomach, ALL of a sudden I almost threw up with everything "coming north". I managed to upright myself and I did not throw up, but I sure have heartburn!
We did a couple of the exercise machines for my legs and arms followed by stretching on the mat with rope support to my legs. 1 hour and 15 minutes later I was done. I will return for a second training session tomorrow at 8 AM since I have chemotherapy in the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Judy,

    With all your walking, I am still betting that other than your arm, you are going to be the star of their program.

    Another advantage on your walking regime after the SCT: exposure to people is the problem, but you running around in the great outdoors after release from the hospital will not only be safe, but it'll be great.

    I do recall walking outside at my sister's home in Fremont, CA after getting released from the hospital and just going into euphoria. Mission peak is nearby, but nothing like the post card scenery in your posts. "This outdoors is so-o-o handsome. Why isn't everybody out here!"

    Anyway, I think you'll do great. The walking will really help and you're already doing that.

    Plus, guess what? Walking makes us happy. And otherwise, what is life about?

