jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Appointment with Oncologist, Dr. James C. Moore July 5 2011

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Appointment with Oncologist, Dr. James C. Moore July 5 2011

Had an appointment with my oncologist, Dr. James C. Moore today, July 5 2011. As usual Jani attended with me and I had list of questions that Dr. Moore patiently answered. He told us that my EKG done June 23 2011 at Poudre Valley Hospital was normal; my Echocardiogram done June 23 2011 at Poudre Valley Hospital was normal; and my chest x-ray done June 23 2011 at the Harmony Imaging Center was normal.

I told Dr. Moore that I started the 25 mg of Revlimid this morning.

I told him about my GI distress problems and he suggested that I take Prilosec and Zantac in an attempt to control my heartburn issues. Also to take Senokot-S 2-3 per day and Milk of Magnesia as needed.

We were able to change my next appointment with Dr. Moore from July 25 to July 26 which will help with the next Mackay, Idaho trip for the 150th Birthday Party for my father and I on July 22nd in Mackay, Idaho. Now, I just hope the University of Colorado Stem Cell Transplant folks are on the same page. We go to the University of Colorado for an appointment tomorrow, July 6 2011

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