jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Lab Blood Test Results for July 5 2011

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lab Blood Test Results for July 5 2011

They drew drew out of my Bard Power Port for several blood tests today July 5 2011
My white blood cell count is staying pretty consistent below normal, but not dangerously low. This graph show WBC over time May 18 2011 to July 5 2011
I remain consistently anemic overtime May 18 2011 to July 5 2011.

My liver function tests are too high, but probably from all the cell destruction that the Velcade has achieved. Here are the values overtime from June 13 2011 to July 5 2011.
My Immunoglobulin G counts have IMPROVED after just 1 Cycle of Velcade. They were 3,422 and have dropped to 2,197 (normal is 700-1,500). This is a 63 percent improvement to normal (1,500) and I only need to decrease the IGG level 37 percent more to get to 1,500. This is encouraging.
My blood work was also sent to the Mayo Clinic today and will take several days to get the Free Light Chain results back.

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