jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Benadryl is my new BFF~ Monday July 11 2011

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Benadryl is my new BFF~ Monday July 11 2011

I took my 25 mg of Revlimid with 25 mg of Benadryl at bedtime last night. I still have hives on my torso and my scalp only feels 1/2 as much on fire as Saturday, but I'm not itching like I was. I slept pretty soundly too - so, that was good.

I will have to adust to the Benadryl "hangover" feeling - but, at least it has enabled me to take my Revlimid which is KEY to my bone marrow recovery. So, Benadryl is my new Best Friend (hopefully, not FOREVER).

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