jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Greeley Colorado to Mackay Idaho 680 miles of traveling fun July 14 2011

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Greeley Colorado to Mackay Idaho 680 miles of traveling fun July 14 2011

Jani and Robbyn have a handicapped 10 year old retriever, Kady who wears a brace for a bad knee and has her own loading ramp. Here we are Greeley loading up to depart for Mackay, Idaho.
 Jani drove all the way to Blackfoot, Idaho and I drove the last 90 miles home.
 I snoozed in the back with lap dogs Zoe and Kemmer.
 One of our 5 stops along the way - this on in Rawlins, Wyoming.
 Jani got this $8 fan that runs off the car power and Zoe and Kemmer loved it.
 Finally home in Idaho on US 30 from Wyoming.


  1. We bought the same fan for Rags last week after he was panting the whole way home from Mackay on our last trip!

  2. Glad you're keep Rags cool with the fan. jm
