jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Revlimid Presciption Refill July 14 2011

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Revlimid Presciption Refill July 14 2011

My Revlimid prescription Refill was to arrive UPS (have to sign for it) by 3 PM today, July 14 2011. My sister, Jani, waited at home for the UPS driver all day while I went to chemotherapy. When the medication had not arrived by 3 PM, I called the pharmacy and was told that it was still out for delivery. At 5:15 PM, the medication had still not arrived and I called the pharmacy again because we are leaving in the morning for Idaho and no one will be home to receive the medication if it doesn't come today!  I was told again, that it was out for delivery and would be there. Finally, just after 6 PM, the big brown UPS truck rolled down the street and I signed for the Revlimid refill that I won't start until July 26th on the first day of my Cycle 3 Velcade/Decadron/Aloxi. I was so glad it arrived and now I don't have to worry about it.

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