jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Walked Kemmer 1.2 miles with Jani and Zoe Evening July 5 2001

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Walked Kemmer 1.2 miles with Jani and Zoe Evening July 5 2001

Got home from chemotherapy at 1:15 PM. Both Jani and I had nadirs (naps). While I slept longer, Jani went down the street and moved a gazillion big rocks that a neighbor was giving away.
Even though I felt tired from chemotherapy today - Velcade IV and Revlimid PO (by mouth) along with Decadron IV and Aloxi IV, I decided I needed to walk Kemmer 1.2 miles The mosquitoes weren't out yet and it was a nice walk.

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