jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Appointment with Apheresis doctor, Mary Berg, MD August 12 2011

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Appointment with Apheresis doctor, Mary Berg, MD August 12 2011

On to  the Apheresis Center to  meet with Mary Berg, MD to sign the consent for the Stem Cell Harvest on August 16 2011.
We had to wait a short time for Dr. Berg, so Jani went to the cafeteria and got us hamburgers. I was starving per usual. Dr. Berg spent a lot of time with Jani and I and explained the entire stem cell harvest procedure (apheresis) to us in length. She was very informative and conscious to detail - I learned a lot.
As we wer leaving the Apheresis Center, we ran in to Dr. Han Myint, the transplant doctor. He has been attending a training session all day on the new computerized patient information center.

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