jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Home Sweet Home - The Timbers - September 27 2011

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Home Sweet Home - The Timbers - September 27 2011

Out Timber space has a living room/kitchen with a bedroom and one bath.
The living room sofa makes in to a bed for Jani.

The television channels here at the Timbers is only slightly more expanded than the channels on the tv at the University of Colorado Hospital.
My first cousin, Vic Lundberg called me from California tonight. We only visited a short while since I was very tired and nap material. Vic's father, Rex Lundberg, was my M's older brother.


  1. DO NOT EAT any of that FAST food stuff.... I am serious! You will regret it. Fresh foods as much as possible except what has been banned because of potential contamination/risk to the new immune system. There is a great site on FB for MM'ers with some good information on things to eat, etc. I have heard of more than a few MM'ers with new 'systems' being brought very low by a temporary craving for some former favorite 'treat'... all that stuff is made from wood chips, cellulose, non-organic chemicals and you will not get any nutrition from it and possibly get ill. NOT worth it. I'm just sayin'....

  2. Sandy, I don't plan to eat anything out, including fast food, but thanks for the warning. jm
