jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 14 Discharge from University of Colorado Hospital September 27 2011

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 14 Discharge from University of Colorado Hospital September 27 2011

 "I want out that door". My discharge was scheduled for noon and I was ready!
 Jani hauled the last of my things out to the car with her rolling dolly.
 Really hard to do the hand foaming as she leaves the room with the rolling cart - what a good sport - that Jani!
Nurse Sarah discusses the discharge instructions with me. Arrangements had been made with a home health care agency to come to the The Timbers to give me intravenous Foscavir for my shingles. Then, the social worker, Melissa, came in and said the medication was unavailable (it is difficult to get in the U.S.) and they were going to have to come up with another plan for my shingles therapy. Hence, my discharge was delayed more than 4 hours!!!!! At one point, after I was officially on paper discharged - it looked like they might re-admit me just to give me the shingles medicine through Thursday September 29. I remained calm and told them if I had to stay - they owed me a trip outside in to the air - at the very least. Finally, all the powers that be decided that I could be discharged on an oral shingles medicine called Famciclovir - WooHOO!
 jm with mask on as I leave the University of Colorado Hospital Room 1125. It's difficult to see with the mask - but, I'm grinning ear to ear!
 I sat down in the Atrium area of the hospital while Jani went to the Atrium Pharmacy for the 3rd time today - to pick up the shingles medicine. That piano plays all by itself. I have to wear a mask whenever I'm going to and from the hospital from now on.
Hallelujah - AIR AT LAST - I'm outside again and loving it!!!!!

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