jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 18 - Afternoon Update - Walked 0.58 Miles - October 1 2001

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 18 - Afternoon Update - Walked 0.58 Miles - October 1 2001

Jani found a park on Google Earth, not far from The Timbers, so we drove over there. They had good sidewalks and most of the many children there were clustered at a skate board park area and on the playground equipment. So, I didn't get too close to any children and I wore my mask the whole way.

I've worn my hiking boots to all of my UCH oncology appointments and hospitalizations x2. The staff waits patiently while I take them on and off for being weighed.  It helps me to remain grounded to my roots in Mackay, Idaho - oh, I miss my Mine HIll walks with Kemmer. Kemmer is doing fine in Greeley with her sister, Zoe and cousin Kady -
Kemmer and jm above Mackay Idaho Hiking in Taylor Canyon.
Kemmer, Cousin Kady, Sister Zoe (same litter) June 25 2011

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