jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Day 50 - Repeat Echocardiogram Number 3 - November 2 2011

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 50 - Repeat Echocardiogram Number 3 - November 2 2011

We had to wait quite a while for my echocardiogram which wasn't scheduled until 2:45 PM. A very nice technician named Tracy did my exam.  After she completed the exam, she told me that she wanted to discuss the results with the cardiologist. After awhile, she returned with the cardiologist in tow who told me that I had "moderately large" blood clot in my heart where both my Trifusion Hickman Catheter and Bard Power Port end in my heart.
The doctor described it as 2 cm x 2 cm in size. He said he had consulted Dr. Myint and they wanted me to return to the BIC where I would be given a prescription for Fragmin injections. The cardiologist cautioned me not to exercise and to be cautious when doing steps (go slowly). They also DO NOT want me to have the pulmonary function tests scheduled for tomorrow.

So, back to the BIC we go. They canceled my pulmonary function tests for tomorrow and told me that MRI would be calling me to calling me to schedule an MRI of my heart in the near future. Jani went down to the pharmacy and got my prescriptions which was a long and drawn out deal. When she got back to the BIC, they gave me a Fragmin injection. The Fragmin will not dissolve the blood clot, but will prevent further clot formation. My body will just have to reabsorb the existing clot.

I could have done without this blood clot deal and I hope it resolves~

We finally left UCH at 5:30 PM and drove home to Greeley on dry roads - Colorado is so like that - blizzard one moment and dry the next.

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